Stimulus Checks 2021: How to Buy Bitcoin With Your EIP Prepaid Debit Card


On Thursday March 11th, President Joe Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This bill will provide all taxpayers (and their dependents) with $1,400. For many, these funds will be received by way of a direct deposit into their bank account. However, like the two previous stimulus bills, millions of Americans who are not eligible for direct deposit will receive an Economic Impact Payment Prepaid Card (EIP Card) in the mail.

For those who have received it, many will be wondering: how do I buy Bitcoin with the funds on this card? Because the EIP card is a prepaid card, it will not be accepted by traditional services that allow purchase of Bitcoin by credit and debit card. And that’s where CardCoins comes in!

We’d be more than happy to help you convert your EIP card into Bitcoin! The process is effectively identical to an order with a traditional gift card on our site. Like some gift cards, you will first need to activate the card on the EIP Card website. Once you’ve done that, start an order on our website, confirm your phone number and submit the card details and your Bitcoin address.

When you proceed to the image upload stage, you will notice we traditionally require users to arrange their gift card next the packaging it came with and the receipt from the retailer they purchased it from. You won’t have packaging or a receipt for this card, so instead of arranging the items as we normally instruct, you can write our required statements on the document included in the envelope which your EIP card came in. Make sure to include the front and back of your card in the images.

Once you have submitted satisfactory images, we will send your Bitcoin as quickly as we always do– in minutes!


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